วันจันทร์ที่ 6 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

Dokeos Opensource Learning Management System:Thai Version

Dokeos Opensource Learning Management System:Thai Version
ขอต้อนรับสู่ระบบ โดเคียส อีเลิร์นนิ่ง : ฉบับภาษาไทย : Welcome on Dokeos Opensource Learning Management System:Thai Version
ผลงานนี้เป็นส่วนหนึ่งของการศึกษาและเผยแพร่ผลงานวิจัย เรื่องการศึกษาและพัฒนาสื่อนวัตกรรม เพื่อนำไปประยุกต์ใช้สนับสนุนการเรียนการสอนด้านศิลปกรรม แบบออนไลน์ทางระบบเครือข่ายอินเตอร์เน็ต : โดยใช้ระบบโดเคียส โอเพ่นซอร์สอีเลิร์นนิ่งโดย ผศ.ประชิด ทิณบุตร อาจารย์ประจำสาขาวิชาศิลปกรรม ภาควิชามนุษยศาสตร์ คณะมนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏจันทรเกษมถนนรัชดาภิเษก กทม. 10900 โทร.02 942 6900 ต่อ 3011,3014,โทร.มือถือ. 08 9667 0091, www.prachid.com, prachid@prachid.com, http://artnet.chandra.ac.th, http://art.chandra.ac.th
This work is a part of the study and distribution of the research in title " The Study and Development of the Educational Media Innovation , Supporting the Art Education Online Learning Courses : Using "Dokeos" the Open Source Learning Management System."Demo Site Visit at http://www.wittycomputer.com/dokeosthai

วันจันทร์ที่ 16 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Movabletype e-publishing platform : Thai Translation

Movabletype e-publishing platform 4.24 Available to upgrade Now
Thai Language is 70% progress now. Who want to help to translate ,please Contact me Now!

chandrajigsaw350-anima.gifWhy Movabletype e-publishing? Because of...
1.Web site content management
Movable Type powers more than just blogs; it also serves as a powerful web site and content management system.
2.Easy to use, easy to install
Movable Type is easier to use than ever before, with a redesign user interface and a brand new installation wizard.
3.Turn readers into members
Movable Type gives your readers more ways than ever before to engage with your blog, your content and each other.
4.Built for scale and multiple blogs
Movable Type's has been re-architected to be faster, more secure, more scalable and more resilient than ever before. To Visit site Please Click on picture.

วันอังคารที่ 3 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

eFront Learning,Thai edition & Translation contribute by Asst.Prof Prachid tinnabutr

eFront Learning,Thai edition & Translation contribute by Asst.Prof Prachid tinnabutr
eFront Learning is a new generation eLearning platform
eFront is a new generation eLearning platform designed to help create online learning communities with opportunities for rich interaction. The platform offers a wide range of features from content creation, test builder, project management, extended statistics, internal messaging system, forum, chat, surveys and more. eFront is a SCORM compliant and certified system. eFront's implementation enables functions such as community learning, supports the principles of collective knowledge and provides functionality towards personalized learning. eFront bridges the gap between Enterprise, Educational, Open-Source and Proprietary learning combining the best from all worlds.
Cited from http://www.efrontlearning.net/
For Thai edition & Translation contribute please visit demo site at http://www.wittycomputer.com/efront and at my Academy sub Host server test Port of Fine and Applied Arts Division, Chandradrakasem Rajabhat University ,Thailand. Running on Windows 2003 Server+WampServer2.0 URL: http://art.chandra.ac.th/efront

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 11 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2552

Definitions to know more about e-Learning

A Learning Management System (or LMS) is a software package, usually on a large scale (that scale is decreasing rapidly), that enables the management and delivery of learning content and resources to students. Most LMS systems are web-based to facilitate "anytime, anywhere" access to learning content and administration. Some widely known open source LMS are Clarolinthai eFront Dokeos OLAT and Moodle, famous commercial LMS are WebCT and Blackboard.
The IMS Global Learning Consortium (usually known as IMS) is a non-profit standards organization concerned with establishing interoperability for learning systems and learning content and the enterprise integration of these capabilities. Their mission is to "support the adoption and use of learning technology worldwide". Some famous IMS standards are the CP (Content Package) standard used to import/export of content, the "Learning Resource Meta-data Specification" (LOM) or the QTI standard for question and test interoperability.
The Shareable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) is a standard for web-based e-learning. It defines how the individual instruction elements are combined on a technical level and sets conditions for the software needed for using the content. SCORM is distributed by the Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Initiative, a US organization under the Department of Defense (DoD).                

วันเสาร์ที่ 10 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2552

What is e-learning? An empirical approach

Cited from Dokeos LMS
Some observations

Since internet and multimedia boomed in the nineties, intellectual practice has evolved. People:

  1. learn alone in online courses or CD-Roms through a combination of theory and exercises;
  2. collaborate remotely on Wikipedia to write a collective paper on a dedicated topic;
  3. alternate face-to-face contacts and online interaction with a trainer or coach;
  4. read online tutorials and practice alone;
  5. look for the answer to their questions in Google®;
  6. write blogs and try to clarify their own mind with the help of third party comments;
  7. practice guitar by imitating Youtube® guitar experts videos;
  8. participate in sophisticated online training scenarios that take place in Learning Management Systems (LMS) where a coach accesses tracking data on their progress and helps them improve their skills through relevant feedback;
  9. play video games, serious games, online games, individually or collectively;
  10. send their production to remote colleagues by email and expect feedback and corrections from them using for instance Ms-Word or Openoffice correction features;
  11. listen to corporate management conferences podcasts on their mobile phone in the train.

Although in variable extension, all these activities can be described as e-learning because they provide some learning experience through CD-Roms or internet or telephones or any electronic device.

Deeper analysis

Let's try to analyse things deeper.

(1) reminds us that e-learning is not necessarily an online activity;
(2) informs us that e-learning can exist even if no dedicated course content was developed;
(3) suggests that e-learning does not mean nobody sees nobody;
(4) says that e-learning can exist when theory is online and practice is offline (and we can reasonably imagine the reverse situation);
(5) describes something pretty obvious : many of us learn everyday in Google® without even noticing it or calling it learning;
(6) insists on the fact learning can be particularly effective when the learner is invited to produce something;
(7) illustrates a very primitive way of learning : by imitation (didn't Bach learn music by copying Vivaldi scores?);
(8) is considered by some the most accomplished e-learning method;
(9) deals with how children learn first, but does not provide us with a criteria of what the educative part is in a game;
(10) alludes to a common intellectual activity in most professional organisations and points out that there is most often some learning in it;
(11) gives an example of m-learning or mobile learning that we can decide to include in the generic name e-learning.

What e-learning is not

When an activity belongs to "e-" but not to "learning" or belongs to "learning" but not to "e-", it should not be considered as e-learning.

E means electronic. Internet-based, CD-Rom based, telephone-based, video-based learning activities should all be considered as e-learning. Today, the vast majority of e-learning takes place on the web through a web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari...).

Learning is a little bit more difficult to define. What is the difference between learning and reading, for instance? Don't we say "John reads in Oxford" for "John is a student at the Oxford university"? When I read the news, am I learning or am I just grasping some new information? To start with a simple approach, let's suppose we all are behaviorists and consider that learning means become able to do something new. The behaviorist minimal psychology framework suggest that any information is directly or indirectly connected to the project of an action and implies that the learning process includes:

  1. information on how to do something but also
  2. practice opportunities and
  3. feedback

We get (1) bits of information on how to do something. We are granted (2) with the opportunity to act so as to practice and improve on these skills. And somebody or "something automatic" (a machine) tells us (3) whether the skills are acquired or not.

This definition excludes from e-learning all activities where there is mainly information: reading, searching, viewing, listening.

Of course the criteria is a difficult one as a certain part of the intellectual activity is not immediately visible. Some will search Google and read only. Some others, with the same search information, will take notes, summarise, draw a mindmap, produce something, explain to others etc.

Another difficulty is that some of us will not consider themselves as behaviorists. I think however that saying "I am not a behaviorist" means "I am more than a behaviorist" but it does not necessarily mean you do not accept this minimal framework.

A third problem of the behaviorist definition is that it does not give a clear status to intellectual skills like knowing History or becoming wise.

E-learning is about activities and feedback

But the advantage of the behaviorist definition is that it focuses on activities and feedback, hence suggesting a method for e-learning design. Truth is seldom simple but only simple ideas are usable.

Let's consider e-learning from the author's perspective. Publishing slides, PDF e-books, encyclopaedia articles does not mean I produce e-learning, as the criteria for e-learning does not lie in the resources I publish but in the activities I organise for the learners around these resources. E-learning starts when I switch from "I published my course online" to "my course takes place online".

Designing relevant activities to drive learners from passive reading, viewing or listening to dynamically improving their skills is not an easy job. I must first be able to describe the objectives of the course in terms of action. If I train on meeting management, I am not allowed to define my objectives by "they whould know what meeting management is" or they would "get familiar with meeting management", because "knowing" is a mental skill : I cannot check it, I cannot propose activities to improve that, I cannot give feedback on how they know it. I should better describe things this way : "they should be able to list main meeting management theories" (because listing is an action and I can build activities with that) or probably "they should be able to manage a meeting" (and then imagine a roleplay game or any real-life based situation to practice).

If I train on how to pilot a plane, multiple choice is not an option. Just because I would not fly in a plane whose pilot learned this way. He would not get the skills. The relevant activity here will probably be closer to pilot a flight simulator. And the feedback should be on how the learner piloted the flight simulator: providing information on why he "crashed" the plane and how to avoid such a mistake.